Dr. Pabbaraju Padmaja

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  • Dr. Pabbaraju Padmaja
Dr. Pabbaraju Padmaja

Professor, HOD, Gynaecology

  • M.B.B.S :  Sri Ventakeshwara Medical College, Tirupathi – 1977
  • M.D. :  (Ob & Gyn) Sri Ventakeshwara Medical College, Tirupathi – 1982

Member board of studies for final MBBS – KNRUHS

  • Years of Experience: 40 years
  • Member board of studies for final MBBS – KNRUHS
  • A case report on patient the HLLP Symdrome with Sepsis with MODS. Padmaja Presented at FOGSI October 2020
  • Protuberance of Vulava in a Twenty year old young woman. Padmaja Presented at Tamil Nadu Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, June 2021
  • Ambiguity of Anterior wall Fibroid at term pregnancy. Padmaja Presented at FOGSI, PG National Conference.
  • A case report on a patient with Scar Pregnancy with Spontaneous first trimester scar rupture
  • A case report on Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
  • The role of Aspirin on prevention of preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. Presented at TCOG, on November, 2017
  • Single fetal demise in dichorionic diamniotic Twin. Presented at FOGSI in October, 2020.